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Are you wanting to deepen your understanding and skill set with Integrative Breath work Therapy? Desire to add to your skill set as a therapist, body worker, sex and relationship coach or feel the call to be a breath work facilitator?

Level 2 is an experiential dive into the therapeutic modality of Conscious Breath work. It is your opportunity to deepen your personal experience with Nūma Breath work and develop an understanding of its foundational theories, philosophy, and science.

You will receive and provide “Nūma” Breath work sessions with fellow students as you develop the practical skillsets required to safely facilitate transformational one-on-one breath work sessions.

You will learn to:

<3 Foster a confidential healing space

<3 Read basic psycho-emotional patterns embedded within the body’s tensions and habitual breathing patterns

<3 Make sensitive contact verbally, energetically, and physically

<3 Utilize a wide variety of tools and practices to support deep release within the body and breath

Prerequisite – Have one of the below:

<3 Full weekend attendance to a conscious connected breath work seminar

<3 Minimum of 5 private sessions from a qualified breath work facilitator. This would include working with myself or another teacher/school.


What does full Training Include:

Training includes the five (5) day in-person training split into two weekend modules, one web meeting, home studies, and a practicum. Home studies include review of teachings during the Level 2 training as well as assigned studies and practicum hours during the time between Level 2 and Level 3.



Registration Form


Requirements for Certification

Certification as a Conscious Connected Breath work Facilitator is granted upon the successful completion of all components of the 300-hr Nūma Breath work Facilitator Training which this Level 2 Modules a part of.

This includes:

  • Attendance of the entire in-person training – all five (5) levels.
  • Completion of all assigned web meetings (min 8 hours total)
  • Completion of all assigned home studies and practicum hours (136 hours), including:
  • Five (5) free one-on-one sessions with friends/family (Following Level 2)
  • Ten (10) free or by-donation one-on-one sessions with friends/family (following Levels 3 and 4)
  • Five (5) free or by-donations group sessions (2-3 participants) with friends/family (following Level 5)
  • Fifteen (15) self-sessions (at least five (5) must be solo/self-directed, others may be facilitated)
  • 10-week daily home breathwork practice (two 15-min sessions per day) or completing the Presence Process
  • Review of training manual after each level of training
  • Reading of four (4) assigned books and writing a .5 – 1 page summary per book of key aspects that pertain to Nūma Breathwork facilitation (additional details on summaries provided during the training)
  • Comprehensive review of training manual (post Level 5)
  • Submission of documentation providing details of completion of home studies and practicum hours for review by your Trainer.

Note: Certification is not guaranteed. Each trainee must demonstrate that they are both competent with the theories, principles, and practices of Nūma Breathwork and capable of holding safe, confidential healing space for others. If any of these elements are in question, the trainee may be asked to complete additional practices or training to develop the specific skillsets prior to receiving certification as a Nūma Breathwork Facilitator.

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